The Island Diaz Poddy!
The Island Diaz Poddy is a Podcast highlighting fun and creative people. Hosted by owner of Island Diaz Spiced Rum, Hayden Currie from Toronto Ontario.
30 episodes
The Goodies Bagg Episode
Hayden has JD owner of Goodies Bagg Exotics. Some hidden gems and great stories! Hope you enjoy!
Season 1
Episode 30

The Louis Chapheau Episode!
Jump into the Island Diaz Poddy for a cool chat between Hayden and Louis Chapheau. Louis talks about his show called "Trapped in Wonderland" and how he makes it super cool and immersive. They also talk about their mutual friends and how Louis m...
Season 1
Episode 29

The Toronto Charlie Episode!
Join us as we welcome Toronto Charlie to the poddy for a lively conversation covering everything from comedy to his innovative clean energy venture! Don't miss out, tune in now!follow@torontocharlie
Season 1
Episode 28

James get's Island Diaz Tattooed!
Hayden picked up a fan of Island Diaz Spiced Rum (James) and brought him to Toronto for a tattoo and dinner!
Season 1
Episode 27

The smoke report! @ Man of Kent Patio
Hayden brought the mobile poddy to Man of Kent (202 Ossington, Toronto) for a smoke report. The whole city is filled with smoke and it's hard to breath. Enjoy!
Season 1
Episode 26

The Mike Orr Poddy?
Mike Orr owner of Rats Eating High Heels clothing came by to promote his upcoming poddy "The Mike Orr Poddy!"Follow@ratseatinghighheels@jacksanfran
Season 1
Episode 25

Wasaga Beach backyard poddy!
Hayden was up in Wasaga Beach all week and did a poddy in his parents backyard!
Season 1
Episode 24

Nanu rocking the rockstar life!
Nanu came by the poddy and dropped non stop exciting content. Nanu is a talented singer, performer and isn't shy to party! Tune in for the full scoop!Follow@itsthecrazylatina
Season 1
Episode 23

Jake Carruthers the illustrator of the Island Diaz logo!
Hey everyone! It's me Hayden, and I'm so excited to bring you this totally unique and hilarious episode of "Best" Buds! with my special guest Jake Carruthers. We're talking all things - designing logos, NFTs and cryptocurrency - plus some fun f...
Season 1
Episode 22

Chris Must List and the Tamarind Rumarita!
Chris Must List came by the poddy and tried the Island Diaz Tamarind Rumarita!@chrismustlist
Season 1
Episode 21

Blitz and his broken rickshaws!
Blitz came by the poddy and mixed up a few broken rickshaw drinks. The two chopped it up about his success in music@blitzmusic1
Season 1
Episode 20

Bryan Ghee the most focused rapper!
Bryan Ghee came by the poddy and dropped some absolute gems!follow@bryanghee
Season 1
Episode 19

Obnoxious Bob Noxious everyone!
Hayden met Bob on set as Bob is navigating a new career as a actor!
Season 1
Episode 18

GTA came by to Poddy!
A few of the GTA Podcast boys came by to tie a few on! Had a great time, as always! Drank some rum and talked about what basically everything!follow@thegtapodcast
Season 1
Episode 17

We know too many of the same people!
Rapper Raxx comes by the poddy and unexpectedly Hayden and Raxx grew up in the same town. They chat through the Druski drama, Raxx losing her virginity to one of Hayden's friends, and becoming a rapper!follow@raxxofficialmusic
Season 1
Episode 16

Breaking bread with Rum Rats!
Hayden has Shamus Hewitt, founder of Rum Rats and they break bread and taste rum! Rudy puts on a fake Tattoo for the first time also!Follow @therumrats
Season 1
Episode 15

Me, Myself and Diaz?
Hayden forgot to book a guest for this week's Poddy. Even Rudy was nowhere to be found!
Season 1
Episode 14

Friday showed us how to Poddy!
Friday Ricky Dred popped by the Poddy and schooled the boys on podcasting. Talked about the evolution of We Love Hip Hop, AA, Toronto hip hop scene and Island Diaz content!Follow@fridayrickydred@welovehiphop
Season 1
Episode 13

Orr smoked us out!
Mike Orr comes through and chats with Hayden and Rudy about everything Niagara Falls, Acting and Rats Eating High Heels!@jacksanfran
Season 1
Episode 12

God's plan!
Hayden has Big Chantelle and Jordan Oram on this episode. First time with two different guests cause god is great! The convo goes through influencing, film production and a prayer group that brought them all together!@big.chantelle@...
Season 1
Episode 11

You can't mistake Eminem for Weird Al
Hayden and Sinister have a hilarious conversation about respective skits they are doing. Chat about influences and Sinister surprises Hayden with a few limited edition pieces of art!follow @thasinister
Season 1
Episode 10

Let's figure out who Rudy is...
On this episode of the Poddy, we brought Rudy aka Rude Boy to give him a proper introduction to the Poddy! Many know Rudy as the episode crasher, theres a bit more to him than that! Enjoy!Follow@rudeboy
Season 1
Episode 9

Tony Yayo stole my lunch cigarettes!
Hayden has recording artist Downey 416. Talked about Tony Yayo, positive mindset and Downey's career as a rapper.follow@downey416